
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Story Trailer Revealed; Coming in July

The last time we smashed a Nazi soldier’s head in, was back in 2017 when we jumped into a world took over by Nazi armies, which utilized some high-tech heavy-armored weapons to resist in front Terror Billy but to be honest, they was just kidding themselves!

If a tough guy like BJ Blazkowicz becomes a father, you can’t expect his children not to look like their dad specially in kicking Nazi asses. Wolfenstein: Youngblood is where we take control of Jess or Soph Blazkowicz to fight against German enemies at Paris in 1980. Now that BJ’s twins have grown up through years behind, it’s time to inject some young blood to the veins of Polish-American Nazi-killing machine. Here you can check out the first story trailer of the game:

Wolfenstein: Youngblood first appeared at E3 2018 and features co-op gameplay in witch you can play with one of your friends or AI as your partner. Machine Games has introduced Deluxe version of the game($39.99), featuring Buddy Pass, which allows you to play with anyone you want even if your partner doesn’t own the game. So you will be able to give Buddy Pass to every one your friends and he/she will be able to download and approach the game as long as you are playing with him/her.

Aside from Buddy Pass, Wolfenstein: Youngblood will provide players cosmetic and usable items through Cyborg Skin Pack and Legacy Pack, with the former available for those who purchase Deluxe Edition and the latter be granted to those who pre-order the game. Here you can read items within the packs:

Cyborg Skin Pack:

  • Cyborg player skin
  • Titanium alloy skins for all weapons
  • Titanium alloy hatchet
  • Titanium alloy knife
  • Armor-boosting pep signal

Wolfenstein: Youngblood Legacy Pack

  • Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Jacket Power Suit
  • B.J.’s US Army Power Suit
  • The Wolfenstein: Old Blood Pipe
  • The Wolfenstein: Old Blood Knife
  • A WW2 Weapon Skin Set for all ranged weapons

Wolfenstein: Youngblood is set to be released on July 26 for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Share your ideas with us and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

Guillermo Ortega

Published by
Guillermo Ortega