World of Final Fantasy PAX West 2016 Trailer

World of Final Fantasy PAX West 2016 Trailer

Square Enix has released an all-new trailer for World of Final Fantasy at PAX West 2016. During a special panel at PAX West, director Hiroki Chiba outlined the story and characters, battle system as well as a sneak peak at the game’s opening animated cinematic.

Hiroki Chiba mentioned during the livestream that the game’s main story has 30-40 hours of gameplay, and gameplay time including sub-quests, side-stories, and catching all 200 types of Mirages could be up to 100 hours.

This year’s 40th issue of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine is additionally revealing on Monday that Snow from Final Fantasy XIII will appear in the game. Daisuke Ono is reprising the role in Japanese.

In the game, Sōma Saitō will play Lann and Sora Amamiya will play Reynn. Additionally Ayana Taketatsu will play the familiar Tama. The English cast members include Josh Keaton as Lann, Amanda Leighton as Reynn, and Lisa Kay Jennings as Tama.

World of Final Fantasy is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on October 25 in North America, October 27 in Japan, and October 28 in Europe.

Check out the Trailer:

“We haven’t seen any of the anime cutscenes before and suffice to say that seeing chibi anime Squall prancing around with his gunblade is gosh darn adorable.

As well as the Collector’s Edition, you can pick up the Day 1 edition by pre-ordering to unlock the Sephiroth summon, Red Bonnetberry, White Chocobo, and Glow Moogle mirages, as well as the Japanese VO option.”

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