
World’s first Destiny 2’s Garden of Salvation Raid has been Completed

In six hours and fifteen minutes after the Garden of Salvation raid released for Destiny 2, a world first clear has been made in the Vex-themed raid.

Calan Ascend’s six-person fireteam composed of: Antivist, Cyber, ExBlack, Monks, Narhzul, and Pash were confirmed by Bungie to have completed the raid. They also completed it on twitch and to go along with this completion, The team will win a sweet championship belt.

Last Wish which was the last raid, took three times as long to complete the first time and maybe the Garden was easier. Unfortunately it doesn’t mean that they will have as easy of a time and will get it done the first time.

These players died over and over again to figure out how to do the raid and executing what you have to do is even worse as you may die several times in the process of completing it. In fact only 3.2% of PS4 players were able to beat Last Wish so it may still be difficult.

If you want to beat this raid, make sure you’re at a high enough level and have the best gear to beat this raid.

For more information on Destiny 2, check it out now.

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Tristan Reyes

A writer and video editor at heart, he’s always seeking for some excitement and fun in the gaming industry. As a graduate from the University of North Florida with degree in Science and Communication, he believes that he can provide the world with the most interesting information in the gaming world while keeping people entertained.

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Tristan Reyes