WWE 2K20 artwork

WWE 2K20 Had a Y2K-like Bug to Start Off the Year

Finally, after 20 years of waiting, people are experiencing the effects of Y2K. It’s not through the computers, however, it’s through WWE 2K20. What is now referred to as WWE Y2K20 started yesterday, right at the beginning of the new year. Anybody who was ringing in the New Year with their favorite wresting game was immediately kicked out at midnight.

When players tried to get back on or tried to play the next morning, they were able to load up the game, but once they opened up any of the game modes or submenus, the game would crash. While some people were annoyed by this, most others found it quite humorous.

People did find a work around for this issue. If they went to their system’s settings and made the date 2019 again, the game would work as intended. This also confirmed the fact that the problem occurred because the new year. 2K did release a patch to fix this issue pretty quick, but the further damage to game’s reputation was already done by that point.

WWE 2K20 was a bug-filled mess at launch, which upset a lot of fans. Because of that, it didn’t come as a huge shock for this to happen. This Y2K-like issue is a testament to how broken the game has been so far.

There is still some hope in the community that the game will get fixed someday, but they will more likely need to wait for the new one that gets released next year instead. The fact that the game stopped working at the start of 2020 should be a clear sign that it is doomed.

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