Xbox Game Pass Ultimate

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Officially Announced

Microsoft’s latest Inside Xbox is just started to reveal more news on gaming industry, specially for Xbox One owners who are looking for the new details on Microsoft’s plans for E3 2019 and its upcoming games and services. At the start of the show, Larry Hyrb teased most important parts of the show like Rage 2 new trailer, Rod Ferguson’s talk on Gears of War e-sports events, revealing new information on Microsoft’s E3 2019 conference and also new updates on the services like Xbox Game Pass. Well, on this article, the last one that I mentioned is exactly the case; Microsoft announced Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is a bundle that includes both Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Live subscriptions which will cost you $14.99 per month. The price seems really great for those who love to play online and at the same time looks for the game that are available on Xbox Game Pass. Ultimate will be avaiable later this year but it’s going to be tested soon in order to receive feedback on the service and make the necessary improves on that.

Xbox Game Pass is host for hundreds of different games and its library evolves every month with new games being added to the list. This month the service will receive Monster Hunter World along with Life Is Strange 2: Episode 2 and four other titles like Resident Evil 5 from the previous generation.

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