XCOM 2 is coming to consoles in September

XCOM 2 is coming to consoles in September

2K Games announced this morning the turn-based strategy title from Firaxis Games would be released on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The development team’s original plan was to only release XCOM 2 on PC, but thanks to fans’ repeated requests for a console version, the studio relented.

Working alongside Firaxis on the PC version was The Workshop, which helped the team apply various fixes. The Workshop will be handling the console version.

Those who pre-order the game will receive the Resistance Warrior Pack, which provides additional soldier customization options such as bonus outfits, headgear and custom facial war paint.

The Resistance Warrior Pack also includes a “Survivor of the Old War,” a new recruit who will appear in the Avenger’s barracks.

The game will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One September 6 in North America and September 9 in Europe.

Check out the Trailer:


“XCOM 2, is set 20 years in the future where humanity lost the war against the alien threat and a new world order is in place. XCOM, formerly a secret paramilitary organization, is largely forgotten and must strike back from the shadows to reclaim Earth from the aliens’ rule and free mankind from its evil plans.

“The incredible reception of XCOM 2 has been rewarding and humbling for the team, and we’ve known console fans have been clamoring to play the game too,” said Jake Solomon, creative director of the game at Firaxis Games. “As avid console players ourselves, we’re excited to work with The Workshop to bring XCOM 2 to all of our fans.”

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[…] single player mode is a bit like X-Com. The campaign consists of twelve missions linked by a fantasy-style story about three neighboring […]